You can't see me - I'm hiding

Another day, another hiccough. One of the things I did before leaving was book DS#2 in for a day's kite surfing lesson at Tarifa. The boy was looking forward to it and we made our way to a trendy beach bar to meet Miguel the instructor. Off Sam duly trotted.
As we were leaving he called us across to find that today's lesson would only be on the beach - it needed three days before he actually got surfing, three days he didn't have.
Off to Tarifa instead for a consolatory tapas before leaving him and Tricia on a beach whilst I snuck in a couple of hours birding. Very quiet until I stumbled upon a Cattle Egret colony with a few Glossy Ibis thrown in for luck. Several hundred pairs of the former making quite a noise and smell. One could almost touch them from the car as one drove along. Close up and in breeding plumage they were a bit more spectacular than miles away following a few cows in a muddy winter field
In the evening off to Vejer la Frontera, a white town perched over a rocky gully. Pretty place and we ate Moroccan in the courtyard built into the remains of a castle. Ambiance couldn't be bettered and the food was fine too.

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