My life, my lens

By JennyRampling

Flying low

A brilliant first day of freedom! I was up early to get to King's Cross tube station to help with the Wrap Up London Campaign. After signing in at the station office and collecting my t-shirt I was given a large stack of Oyster Card wallets to give out. They contain information about the campaign and how people can donate coasts later in the week. I spent the first hour outside the station trying to get interest from people passing by. I have to admit that when I normally see people giving things out or trying to stop me and talk I avoid them like the plague. I tried all kinds of things and then decided that it was best to stand near a pedestrian crossing and talk to people who were waiting so they could then ask for information if they were interested. It worked well as people could hear what we were doing and positively supported it. I was also asked directions to a variety of places and a number of other questions but it was great fun. I then moved inside the station for the next hour which was much harder. I was stood near the ticket gate through to St Pancras so it was lots of tourist traffic. They kept offering money until I could explain we were after coats which seemed to confuse them more! I really enjoyed the morning and I also met Evan Davis (BBC's economics editor, Dragon's Den) who was on his way out.

Spent the afternoon sorting bits at home until disturbed by the sound of a Chinook literally flying past my window. It then landed on the grounds of the HAC waited for a couple of minutes before doing a vertical take off and flew off. It was very excited to watch!

I think I could get used to not working as its been a really good day.

Honourable Artillery Company, City Road, London

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