Lala's Journal

By Lala


The photo is from my visit to Ashford yesterday. The skinny flat white is my new coffee of choice. I took no photos today, because despite intending to do nothing, we ended up being quite busy. I had a dozen tomato plants to put in, together with som cucumbers and geraniums. All bought cheaply from colleagues, and the funds raised go to the team sunshine club pot. Mad dash to the garden centre to get some more grow bags, and as we returned I got a message from a friend not seen for a while, who had driven from Lordswood with her niece and two year old ‘Littlelegs’ to go to the beach for the day.

They spent a couple of hours with us, and Littlelegs loved the bubble gun that I still had left over from the Big Brownie Event. It has gone home with him, although it is completely empty!

Set up the BBQ, and thanks to Stalker and the trays, had a great dinner and no hard scrubbing afterwards.

Then put all the plants into pots and grow bags, oh and two raspberry canes planted. 2 for £10, really hoping these ones do better than the last ones.

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