Not exactly in harmony

I heard a lot of squawking from crows this morning as the nasty rogue stray cat seemed to be after their young offspring. A pair of crows have nested in our big tree at the bottom of the garden for the first time this spring and I fear they are in danger of losing it.

I went out to scare the cat away, as it also attacks our cat Bomble and our neighbours's cats too. Peace reigned again after a few minutes but I was tempted outside to watch all the other young birds which are now flying around the garden. The baby tits are very endearing to watch as they rest on branches very close to the house and seem unafraid of me.

I then saw these two goldfinches appear at the sunflower feeder and within a minute they seemed to be posturing too. I love their vivid colours so can't resist a blip of them, as it has been a long time since I featured them.

Much of the rest of the day has been taken up with examining the background log files on my laptop to find evidence of the crashes it has been having. I have to send lots of the files to a dedicated upload site for the Apple engineers to be able to examine the videos, logs and screen grabs. Hey ho. I have been helped a lot by two new Apple support staff who are doing their best for me, which is all I can ask. Fingers crossed.

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