Memoria Fotografica

By pippp

After English Corner today I sat by the river in the sun and did some reading. It was lovely. Though I did see a man nearly jump into the river which was dramatic. Thankfully his friend stopped him!

Tonight was Culture Night - a night when loadsa museums, galleries etc are open for free - so I met Ivan, Rodolfo and Fernando from Eng Corner and headed up to Dublinia. We got there early so were queuing for quite a while but it was nice. We were joined by David, Carolina, Kah Foon and Jonathon.

After Dublinia I went with Carolina, KF and J for a hot choc and then on to the leprechaun museum as they had a spare ticket. To be honest it was a proper let down. We didn't get to see the whole thing, but just got mini-performances of what they do on Fri and Sat eves. Carolina and I were in the room where some girl was telling us the story of a demonic cat. Weird.

We then headed into Temple Bar, abandoned Jonathon at some film thing, and then went in search of food. Carolina was determined to get steak and was quite particular about the kind of place so we wandered for ages until we ended up at this Japanese place. I have a tofu salad. It had lots of exciting things in, though it turns out I don't like tofu.

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