Won't Get Fooled Again

Home via Tesco, bought myself a snow shovel. I'm hoping merely having one will mean I don't have to use it. I've got a feeling it'll be as much use as a fart in a spacesuit given any real snow anway but it's my lucky talisman, I hope

Coming home in the car, I heard about a 16 year old boy who's designed a news app and has received £1m in investments already. He was quite a posh boy but had a bonkers mid-atlantic accent going on, I wish I had a pound for each time he said 'toadallee' and 'funnamennallee'. I'd have 17.50.

In other broadcasting news .... Trageddeee

Bad things
Pinheaded weasels
Having to use a snow shovel

Good things
Snow shovels

VERY good things
Danny Baker

Won't Get Fooled Again, The Who, 1971

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