Catherine Wheel....For Emma

He he he........!

Attended the BW bonfire tonight, the first since it was resurrected about 4yrs ago.
2011...Sheffield with Panda and Amy
2010...Hong Kong
2008....Derbyshire, Peak Upholstery Course.

We have had a lovely weekend looking after Disco whilst her family have gone off for a weekend of fun and frolics.

It has been the Show AGM tonight and I didn't attend, the venue, the rectory, is far too small and very much the wrong place for the most important meeting of the year.
I am at a crossroads with the Show and am unsure which way I should turn..
this last year has been different, life changes and in doing so alters what is important.
Plant your love and let it grow.

On Sept 6th I blipped this and tonight I sat and watched in horror as the little lads of the village are still out on their scooters with no lights, helmets or any form of high viz!
When they collide with a two tonne piece of metal it will hurt...LOTS.
Q. Why the F*** don't their parents stop them from taking un-lit bikes and scooters out in the dark?
Do they really not care?

A. Because it makes for an easy life............until !


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