Hava nagila have

Not sure how you spell the name of the above tune but thats what these two guys were playing on Buchanan st today and they ere damn fine good.

(Am) up early, scrapped ice off car and set off to Glasgow to my appointment with doom....the dentist. Was getting my new dentures fitted, doesnt help that said dentist says I have a bite like a rabbit! anyhows I still need another couple of trips to get things sorted, all was fine, pain free and he never touched me with that damn prick thing! hate that thing.
Afternoon & out with eldest daughter to town to have a look around and lunched at Princess Square . Went into some shop called Vivienne Westwood & saw a nice plain white shirt, looked at the price tag and almost choked on my geggies! £225!!! it was a plain white shirt for God's sake! how can they justify that sort of price? no wonder we are in economic meltdown! thats daylight robbery for something made in some Tiwanese sweat shop. Not going there again!
Late afternoon drove home to Argyll then onto Oban for choir. The buggers were so chuffed at getting such good Gaelic marks they gave me a cheque (I could have bought the Wastewood shirt with it!!! happy bunny I am now. Must make the buggers work even harder if thats what they give for getting them into fourth place!
Anyhows back home & chillaxing with the dogs, hubby on nightshift and no other humanoids home. bliss
Happy blipping all

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