Gently down the stream

By Miranda1008

Liverpool Street Station

Just returning to say - there is a prob with the WFW-01 tag for the wildflowers challenge.  A couple are on #WFW-01 but most can be found on #WFW.  I will be looking at both these for entries this week, so let me know if yours doesn't appear on either.  As someone sensibly suggested, the problem may be the hyphen so next week I shall be eliminating it and asking for entries to be tagged WFW02. 


I saw this beautiful young woman at Liverpool St Station on my way up to Suffolk on Friday.  I guess it's clear why she became my blip of the day.

I've had a great time away and took far too many photos, which I shall now have to sort, so am not trying to choose Saturday's, Sunday's and today's as well, but take the next handful of days to catch up with this and with your lovely journals.  I shall start tonight, but have had a long day of walking and travelling in the heat and am a bit wrecked, so please bear with me.

And I just want to say a huge thank you for your reaction to the start of the Wildflower challenge.  I'm sure we can have fun with it..

Have a happy evening  xx

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