Red Justice

That's the new courthouse in Breda, and this red tree was commissioned (I think) to decorate the entrance.  Very often, when it comes to these things, I find myself scratching either my head or behind my ears or both.  Is it supposed to lighten the mood inside the courtroom?  Is it supposed to take away the relevant nerves before one enters the building?  Is it supposed to represent the theme of farce, or pretense, with obvious implications for the wheels of justice?  Or was it simply the best choice out of a dozen entries?  Should I now be interested in doing some research to figure all of that out?

At the moment, finishing the end-of-schoolyear tasks is what is foremost in my mind.  Did some work this morning till early afternoon, then decided I needed a drive.  Drove along the A59 in the direction of the border although I wasn't intending to cross it ... and then discovered that my memory card was left at home.  Did an about-face, picked it up, then decided it was too late to go out again, so took this shot, which I'd been intending to take anyway.  Close to the courthouse is an Asian supermarket.  I took a walk inside and discovered some Philippine products, and now I'm giving myself some time to decide whether or not to buy anything.  There is one particular vegetable I'd like to buy but I want to look up some recipes first.

Very good weather today.  Not too hot and with an occasional cool breeze in the backyard.  AW enjoys hanging out in the back and tending to his plants.  The fence will be replaced in a couple of weeks so he's now deciding how best to prepare, especially as it now takes longer for him to get some things done.  In the meantime, am still waiting for some happy news in connection with our niece's Schengen visa.  I actually have to get used to calling her our niece, since she was originally our nephew.  I'd better get used to it quick.

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