Here there and everywhere

By digitaldaze

IESE 25th Anniversary Celebrations

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Great first night of Bb's IESE 25th anniversary celebrations!  Lots of oohs and aah and big hugs as people walked into the venue in the Barrio Gotico!  Some folk we haven't seen for 25 years and haven't changed at all and others we had to struggle a bit to recognise.  I was talking to someone who I thought was Paul B fro Canada for a few minutes only to notice he had an Irish accent and then realise it was someone else!   Other people we see more regularly, even though we live in different countries.  In fact we're godparents to Harald and Ana-Lise's youngest daughter.  See Bb's blip of the same date.  

L-R:  Mounir (Swiss); Miguel (Catalan); the two of us; Maribel (British/Spanish); Montse (Catalan/Irish) and her husband Patchi from Madrid. 

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