Garden Plants

Buzzy bee
Buzzy bee
Buzz if you like - but don't sting me!

It was the Forget-Me-Not that attracted my attention, closely followed by the Dandelion. I haven't done justice to the Euphorbia though.

That was before he rain started …. just as I headed to the dump with the second load of Lilac shreddings and the wood shavings from the garage.

When I got back it was the water droplets on the Lady's Mantle that I noticed. I like the red tips inside the droplets.

I was hoping to cut some more hedge today, but I didn't fancy electrocuting myself -- so I didn't.

So it has been a lazy day  -  apart from going to buy cheesecake (and finding the place closed on Mondays), collecting parcels for Bags, going elsewhere to buy cheesecake (and getting stuck behind 3 old dears and a motormouth pregnant woman - non of whom would appear to have ever been in a supermarket and had no idea how to unload a trolley, pay for goods and then pack the goods) and do the multiple school runs.

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