Scout Scar

I won't pretend that there's anything rational about my dislike of Kendal's one-way system. It's a hearty dislike and one that I would find hard to justify intellectually. I guess it's how Brexiters feel about the EU. 

And much like our Leave voting compatriots, it leads to some dumb decisions. So, this afternoon, when I left the car park behind where Booths used to be (to give it its full title), I cut straight across the main road and headed up Gillinggate, rather than follow the one-way system.

To cut a long navigational story short, I ended up out towards Brigsteer, at the start of this footpath towards Scout Scar. People I know in Kendal, particularly dog owners, often talk about going up here. It looks like it might be a nice route to run, actually. 

But not today,

No (batteries in the Minx's) scales
0 words
Reading: 'The Underground Railroad'.

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