Sieze the day

By Mario

Coming up Roses

tonight we held the first run of our 3k series down at Caroline Bay great effort from all those that participated. Millie the School Girl I am coaching ran 8seconds faster than her time at the South Island Secondary Schools earlier this year which is really good. Jesse who I was coaching prior to going to University ( still calls me Coach and still asks me for advice I guess I have not stopped coaching him). Jesse is on an exchange with Brock University in St Cathrines in Canada. 3 Weeks ago I spoke with him as he was so concerned, he caught a virus prior to the Toronto Marathon he pulled out at 10k. I told him to wait for the second marathon 3 weeks after Toronto he thaught the virus would knock him back. Great news yesterday NZ time Jesse won the Road to Hope Marathon in Hamilton Ontario and did a personal best time of 2:31.38. So I guess my coaching aprenticeship is coming up roses. I think its a great reward when you can help someone else excell.

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