Double Shot Mummy


Chuckles for Aunty Emily

We all had a great day today with our friend Emily! She came along to the twins Boogie Babies class at the Marina Mall. It was great to have her there with us to join the chaos!

We had a fun time afterwards dressing up Bailee in fantastic costumes at Favourite Things play area. She said her favourite was the octopus, but she also wore a unicorn and a camel costume! Oscar played in the sand as usual. Funny how even though we go to the beach most days, he still goes for the sand room at this play area!

Supermarket shopping with my three is on the top of the list of things that stress me out. It is unfounded really as they are very well behaved most of the time. I think it is more of the stress of it taking too long and interfering with their meal and sleeping routine. Today we had a very successful and totally stress-free trip thanks to Emily suggesting some stupidly obvious strategies! Now that we have adjusted their nap and lunch times, I will make a packed lunch for them to eat in the buggy around the supermarket after we have been to their morning class.

At times I really do have to put my nanny hat on to think what would have I done back then? It is totally different being a mum, the 24/7 hours sometimes don't give me a chance to stop, breathe and review/strategise how to do things best. I tend to just carry on and roll with it.

We went to the beach in the afternoon. The twins have picked up a virus and got a bit cold and grumpy so we didn't last there too long. Later Bailee's temperature went above 40 and Oscar puked up all over the floor at home. Luckily this seemed to be the tail end of it.

Maple had a good day. Lot's of cuddles and happy awake time. She is being held by Emily in this picture and chuckling away. I am noticing she is sleeping a bit less in the day.

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