Sofa World
Some early irritation at the lack of action by the club regarding the concert this weekend was offset with a good moaning session with the Secretary at the Mairie. So the morning came out even. The afternoon was mostly driving through appalling traffic and worse weather to the arse-end of Toulouse (definitely the cheatin' side of town) to see a man about a bunch of instruments and hand over bundles of used fivers.
Later, it was all about the sofa. The back (foreground) is nearly done, just requiring the help of a burly assistant tomorrow to help me turn it the other way up to finish it. The base, one arm and one cushion are done* and the other arm and two cushions are close.
* I spotted a mistake with the cushion, as it happens, but I'm past caring now.
Lots of time nursing a client through a very difficult issue, and even some admin time.
And lots of rain. Of course.
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