Ant on buckwheat

Finally some of the flowers in my pots are starting to bloom too. The buckwheat comes from a mix of seeds to attract/feed bees and butterflies. So far these and to be honest most of my sown seedlings seem mainly to attract ants, especially ants who are into aphid farming. I have discovered several aphid farms on my sunflowers and my nasturtiums :-( Today I've sprayed them with a water and soap solution, but if that doesn't help I'm using some of DJ's cigarette buds for nicotine too, they'd better start moving their herds away from my seedlings and out of my pots or else .... !

Remember tomorrow it's Abstract Thursday with optional theme 'reflections' and tag AT155, looking forward to your entries.

Thanks so much for your kind comments, stars and faves for my maternal grandmother's shiny keepsake !

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