B.A.C.K. to Basics

By AmyT


We sat on the deck this afternoon and carved these beauties!

It's been MANY years since we've had the weather to carve pumpkins outside. It was a beautiful afternoon and the kids are getting much better with doing the majority of their carving.

Kaylee went above and beyond to carve her pumpkin. She wasn't satisfied with my simple is best mentality for my pumpkin (smaller of the three). She went online, printed a pattern, transferred it over and carved it all by herself! It looks fantastic (far left - frightened expression).

Colby worked equally as hard on his pumpkin, however, for different reason. His pumpkin was to look like a Jack-O-Deer.... complete with antlers. "COLBY" was carved, per his request. The back of the pumpkin (which you can't see) has the look of a pumpkin that has been "shot". He took a hammer to the back - perfecting each hole to resemble a gun shot.

It was an interesting dynamic, watching the kids create their masterpiece. Next year, we'll wish for similar weather and fun!

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