Tea with added Krust

By KrusTea

Knitting season

Knitting season doesn't normally start till the nights are getting earlier and the weather turns. So when better to start than in the tail end of Storm Hector and his pouring rain. (after I'd picked up garden debris of course)

Can you tell what I'm about to start? I launched Operation Find William this afternoon. I'd to start with the book, then I found some legs, a targe and a sword so it was just a case of rounding up the wool.

Operation "clear the livingroom because the builders are coming in the morning" was a successful mission made possible by the use of several huge re-usable carrier bags. Needless to say, the follow up mission "integrate this stuff into other rooms" has never been successfully implemented. SO Operation Find William was always going to be a bit hit or miss.

I am pleased to report that several huge re-usable carrier bags have now been made redundant and a wheen of stuff found its way to the bin!

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