Too Loud!
I spent this evening at the annual Secret Art Sale which raises funds for a non-profit art hive in our city. It is a wild and crazy auction where no one knows who the artists are when they are bidding on their work. I had two pieces in the auction this year and I always take photos of the event as I am close friends with the husband and wife team who organize the event (she is the director of the art studio) as well as sit on the studio's advisory committee.
Anyway, despite so many magnificent pieces of art, this little girl and her brother stole my attention. They were both SO well behaved and when the first round of crazy bidding started she put her hands over her ears and said "Too loud. You need to be quiet!" I took a photo of her when she was yelling but then she looked up and gave me this smile. Blip sorted!
I spent today thinking it was Friday already. I am in for a very rude awakening tomorrow morning when I need to 'work' Friday all over again.... ; ))
Take care all!
D x
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