
By OCDman

100 Days

Today is my 100th blip so wanted to post a picture that means something to me that has happened over the last 100 days so here is the explanation

The One is made up of yoghurt that I now eat every day as part of a healthy lifestyle which is something I was not doing 100 days ago.

The first zero is made up of things that I used to eat lots of 100 days ago but now do not eat any of (although the temptation remains high).

The second zero is something that I have always enjoyed but never eaten as much as I should.

Some of my last 100 blips have been reasonable,some mediocre and some awful so my intention for the next 100 is to expand my ability and vision.

No matter what it has been great fun over the first 100 days and I am sure the next 100 and beyond will be even better.

Thanks to those who have looked,made comments or just passed through.

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