Pandemie Legacy, Season 1 : February

apparently we missed some updates in the previous game, so we rectified that :
- the yellow desease is now named COdA-403b (or short Coda), and cannot be treated or cured
- new objective : Discovery a cure for the three other deseases
- win bonus for january : before the first turn, we may remove 1 desease cube

- Kobe played the medic (now named Bubba Fat), is friends with Yoshi and family of Shakira
- Leander played the dispatcher (named Yoshi Harakiri), is friends with Bubba
- Hannes played the researcher (named Svetlana), rival with Shakira, co-worker with Marie
- I played the generalist (named Shakira), rival with Shakira, family with Bubba
- nobody played the scientist (Marie Curry), co-worker with Svetlana

- new character : quarantine specialist
- friend : friends in same city, look at top 2 cards in player deck
- family : family in same city, one extra action
- rival : rival plays/discards card, pick it up for 2 discarded cards
- co-worker : share knowledge with co-worker if one of you is in the city on the card
- Quarantine : spend an action to place a quarantine marker in your current city, when cubes need to be added, place none and remove marker
- some new funded events

this game did not really go very well, we were defeated (no more red cubes and more than 7 outbreaks) because there were to many red cards on top of the infection deck and epidemics in the player deck. We could have played a little longer because we had the unfunded event card Grassroots Program (discard up to 3 cards to remove cube matching the color of the card), but somebody used the famous last words : “we can take one more epidemic”... we couldn’t, and were defeated before the end of turn 3. All Tarek’s fault for not being there

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