They say there is........

.......a first time for everything. And today was one of those occasions.

It was yet  another perfect winters morning when I received a text from Doyley asking whether I wanted to go shoot something. Well, I knew the Driver would be 1) watching #1 Grandson play footy and 2) watching the Dockers play footy so of course I said yes!! 
We went to Lake Claremont but that was pretty quiet - wrong time of the day really - so ventured further afield to Herdsman Lake. Shot a few birdies (not golf though) and then we decided we really needed to find a dragonfly and nail it!  You should have heard us! All the "oohs" and "nooos" and heavy breathing going on trying to focus on these insects as they zoomed past at a million miles an hour, without landing ever!  M with her 70-300 and me with my 100-400. Crikey its a heavy beast to hurl around! Anyhoo, on checking on the computer, I am pleased to say I got one!! It may not be perfect but I'm pretty damn pleased ;-))  
A good day.
Oh - #1 Grandson's side won convincingly as did The Dockers so the Driver is happy too :-)

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