I've been in London this afternoon. We had a very interesting meeting in a hotel in the West End, after the meeting Al and I were discussing what had been said when in walked an ugly bloke with a rubber face.. We both recognised him but could not recall his name.. Turns out it was David Mellor, toe sucking former MP.
Anyway I got home to find that Alfie had cooked Spaghetti Bolognese, from scratch with only a little help. It was lovely we were very impressed. I've asked him to cook it every night. He said no.
George is much better today (thanks for all your kind words yesterday) he's just had his first tablets and the vet has called to say that his tests have come up negative so it is looking more and more like it is just a bladder infection.
Anyway back on topic, Alf chose this picture so this is what you get.
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