
By kas18

Good Morning

What an eventful day yesterday. We got stuck in a lift. Talk about panic. There were 6 of us in a very small lift. I’m claustrophobic as it is. There was a bang as we landed. Then the doors wouldn’t open. The alarm wouldn’t work. The number to call was rubbed out. My heart was racing and I was going mad banging on the door. Thankfully the men in the lift managed to pull the door open just enough for us to squeeze out. I’m never using a lift again.
At least walking the stairs will keep me fit.
Apart from that it was a great day. Although we are lucky to be here as we nearly missed the plane. Had to leg it to gate as we were still eating breakfast when we realised we only had 4 minutes before gate closed. Good job I’m fit. That was a mad dash through the airport.
Found a great tapas restaurant. Had to have a few stiff drinks to calm my nerves ;)

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