Angel's Rest

On my last morning at the sanctuary, I wanted to visit one of the two cemeteries on the property which between them are the resting places for over 2,000 beloved pets, some of which were at the sanctuary and others which were pets of people outside the facility.  I was so impressed at how well it was maintained and how carefully each grave is tended and marked.  See Extra.

I have to add here that I also got to see the Parrot Garden, Horse Haven, the Bunny House and the one rescued guinea pig, which I would definitely have adopted.  I don't know how I managed, it but I also got a special tour of the hospital and veterinary clinic which rivals the people hospital here!   See Extras

By the end of my three-day visit, I was ready to move to Kanab but it looks as though that will prove to be almost an insurmountable obstacle mostly because there are so few apartments for rent and I am doubtful that I can manage to buy a place there.  That doesn't mean I won't try, so stay tuned.  I'm not sure how I might pull it off I only know that I want to spend whatever time I have left on this earth at the sanctuary involved with some of the most dedicated people I've ever met who rescue and rehabilitate animals.  

Just for fun, I put a picture in Extra of the area "wildlife" -- a very large jackrabbit who seems to be an expert in camouflage. 

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