
Technology has stunted my comprehension of how voluminous the world really is. We Americans have been trained to stay in our own comfort zone without questioning what is out there in the world. We're so used to maintaining the myopic mindset that life is pretty bland (as proven by the vast sources of entertainment we have created for ourselves) that we are perfectly content with staying inside and playing video games all day.

Boredom only exists because you are not willing to expand your own world. There are so many things to do, places to see, and people to meet. If money's an issue, so what? Step outside or catch a train to the nearest city. If the weather's bad, just go online and look up the Somali Tribe in Kenya, find out how lotion is really made, do a bit of reading on Jonestown, or visit a chat forum and meet people from your city.

Never, ever utter the two words: "I'm bored." It's not true. Boredom is just a disguise for laziness. You're too lazy to step out of your own comfort zone.

The world is right here, waiting for you. Explore it, understand it, appreciate it, fear it, learn it, use it.

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