A Few Of My Favorite Things

Today is my 78th birthday, which hardly seems possible.  Time seems to really start flying the older one gets.  The beautiful pink roses were from my dear friend Rhonda's garden (although she swears she doesn't have a garden), the fun cat card from another dear friend and blipbuddy, Mary Jo, and a chocolate cat from my daughter Lisa and boyfriend Mark.  

I'm glad to be home but very sad that my plans to move to Utah and work at the Best Friends sanctuary may not work out.  I alternate between being disappointed and heartbroken.  I can occasionally muster up some optimism, so I'm holding out hope that I can make it work somehow.  78 is a sobering age and while none of us know how much time we have left, the odds in my case are not so hot, at least to take on a project that involves moving away from everyone I know and taking on something totally new.  I don't care how much time I have left, but I know that's where I want to spend it and I know in my heart it's the right thing to do, so I'm not going to give up easily.

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