Matts Photo Journal

By photomatt

Presidential Election 2012

Today, Americans are voting for their next President as well as voting on local issues. We are lucky enough to have the right to vote and to have our voices heard.

I am not into politics (government, work, or otherwise) and believe in being upfront, truthful, and doing what is right (no matter what the situation).

It is unfortunate, that both the Republican and Democratic presidential candidates have not been more focused on what they will or should do if elected/re-elected. Instead, they talk about what the other candidate hasn't done. Between the endless television ads and automated calls to my home phone (from both parties), it is quite evident that either candidate will pretty much do or say anything to "win the hearts of Americans".

Voting was especially hard because I really don't like either candidate. I hope that that the winner will have America and the rest of the world in mind and do what is right for the future and stability of our country and allies instead of doing what is right for their political future. I think we are in for a very interesting four years...

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