Giving this a go...

By Debiives

Sparkler fun

Scotland trip half term backblip.

Ross's cousins Claire and Corrinne and Corrinne's boyfriend. I told them all to draw hearts but Callum didn't do very well. And I obviously needed another half a second on the shutter speed to finish the hearts but I liked the way they drew them at almost exactly the same speed.

There wasn't a big display in Galashiels so we bought some fireworks and sparklers from tesco and had our own display. Some of them were a bit feeble but Andrew liked them and considering he didn't even want to go outside to start with I think it was a success.

Cameron (plus all the men and Shelagh) went to watch the Gala rugby game too which he really enjoyed. Andrew was full of the cold and needed to just slob so he didn't go.

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