feet well travelled

By feettravelled


so the whole of today i was intruiged and excited by a 'package' that was supposed to be delivered to my house.

it was from my boyfriend and it was going to be at my house at 3pm.

he told me to change my plans so that i could be in to sign for it.
i rearranged meetings and commitments so ......at 3pm after my lecture i quickly cycled home, hoping to find my boyfriend there.....

all i found was a card
several post-it-notes leading me round my house to find presents and a huge bunch of flowers....and then.......

HE WAS IN MY KITCHEN!!!! this is the guy who lives 3 hours drive away and who i thought i wasnt going to see for another 6 weeks...he was in my house having planned this only the night before!!


needless to say, i was very happy and excited!
we enjoyed magical fireworks on a chilly evening and then delicious salmon (thanks mum and dad) and veg!

a great day and a year since i met him...hence the surprise visit!

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