Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco


I think we can all agree that baby birds are all pretty adorable.  For me, however, Downy Woodpecker babies are among the very cutest.  Maybe it's that cute little pic-pic-pic-pic noise they make, or the way they don't harass their parents but instead wait patiently to be fed.  All I can say is that, every year at this time, I'm smitten.  In case there is any doubt, the larger bird is the youngster and that patch of red on his head makes him a male.  Mom is noticeably smaller, a sign of how hard she and her partner work to raise a nest full of babies.  

I decided not to go on today's nature walk.  I woke up with a sore throat and a headache which are probably allergy-related.  But with heat reaching the mid-90's and high humidity, I just was not feeling up to it.  Instead, I hung around the garden, watching the comings and goings.  

I think some of the House Wrens may be out of the box in the far garden, based on the volume of chattering from the nearby trees.  Still some little heads peaking out of the box, though.  Mom gave me a good scolding when I got too close - click HERE to view on Flickr

And in the side garden, I observed a most interesting behavior while photographing some Long-legged Flies.  I posted a shot HERE on Flickr with an explanation of the behavior, which was basically one fly guarding another.  Very interesting.

I'm going to have a bite of lunch and then lay down for a bit.  And have some hot tea and honey - see if that soothes my throat.


PS:  And after a long nap this afternoon, I was able to watch several of the House Wrens Fledge.  It is always a long, drawn out affair with many false starts and lots of encouragement from mama.  And, as usual, at least one isn't confident about making the flight so climbs up the side of the box and sits there awhile.  Take a look HERE - and tell me that stubby little tale isn't adorbs?

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