
By Transitoire

Beautiful, Sexy, Gorgeous, Lovely Women

What a lovely day!!

Today I got to go out for both lunch and dinner (Zizzis, 25% off, Pizza Express, £10 starter, main, and drink), see two of my favourite women and then play with sparklers in the late evening. Epic win.

My day started properly today with a catch-up with Amy. My only really upsetting experience of today is that I didn't manage to take a photograph of Amy as the settings on my camera were skewed and the quick shots I took were not rectifiable! So anyway, Amy was the Secretary of Big Band in the same year that I was the Social Secretary, and with a mutual love of red wine (leading to many a hungover coffee morning) and dancing we soon became fast friends. Amy and I also went to Spain together in the summer and discovered Gin and Fanta Lemon (now, do not knock it until you've tried it), and have generally had many a morning waking up in the same bed! Really strange not having her around to talk to when I'm in France, as the general scrapes and escapades we always seem to have are not the same when it is via social media. So happy that we managed to find a time where we were both free so a reunion was possible.

Now onto my second beautiful lady of the day, the pictured Harriet. Now trying to find a time for us two to meet up was even more difficult! It ended up with Harriet travelling to Leamington from Coventry to come out for a meal with that's dedication. So, meeting Harriet was also a rather spontaneous event in which both of us decided to go to a women's only choir, Gaudeamus, and ended up sitting next to each other in the soprano section. As both of us are pretty chatty we were soon being told off and shushed by another rather irate soprano (in our defence, we never spoke when we were being spoken to. Or singing. Obviously!) So to keep the peace we ended up going out for coffees, drinks, meals, generalities. Skyping Harriet has now become a part of life in France, and hopefully I will be living on campus with her next year...although it all depends whether or not she gets picked in the campus ballot. As a YA student, I have guaranteed on-campus accommodation for me when I get back for fourth year...unfortunately as a chemistry student, she doesn't. Really hope fate works in our favour!

After my lunch out with Amy I had bought Andy the tiny little present of some sparklers, so obviously when I came in after my meal out with Harriet we had to play with them. Had a very enjoyable half hour or so running round like lunatics with sparklers in our hands and the camera set on a long exposure!

It's begun to dawn on me just how little time I have left here. I know I need to go, and in some ways I really am looking forward to going back to France...but being away from everyone and coming back to them really does make me see how lucky I really am.

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