
forget it - Mudman went up a hill and disappeared, for some time, bit worrying he's our driver. He was looking for a rock, of which there were hundreds, it's called a wall! Eventually he was requested by his wife to come down. Meanwhile I found lots of this wonderful cactus flower so pretty in pink. The extra I took as we had couple of hours rain before going out. We had lunch at a very good fish restaurant near the beach before drive back along mountain roads with many hairpin bends, superb views.

Now for a laugh. - I got locked in ladies toilet at our cake/coffee stop. I could not open the door, did the family miss me, wonder if I was ill, been abducted. After trying for minutes(felt like hours) decided to shout, nothing happened, shouted again and hurray a staff member heard and unlocked the door. Okay you can laugh now.......

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