secret garden

By freespiral

MM: square

Well it's sort of square! A quick hunt around the house and not much to be found that was square - keyboard, tiles, calendar.... but I liked this best. Any ideas?

A full on Irish mizzle sort of day, humid and damp. Still, I have achieved  and caught up with stuff. Mostly I have been side-tracked by trying to find out about our only ancestor who emigrated to New Zealand. Son#2 had been told that he needed to find out where they lived and to pay his respects. Actually very interesting. John, aged 23, was working as a groom in the Scottish Borders. He contested a paternity suit in 1860 brought against him by Christina. He won. But.... shortly afterwards they married and then they plus baby emigrated to New Zealand -  98 days at sea in steerage class!  It seems 55.000 Scots emigrated around this time and they all went to Otago in the South Island - gold, whaling, farming was the lure. And who knew that Dunedin meant Edinburgh in Gaelic? Not me! Things seemed to have done well for they had another 10 children and celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary. He earned a living as a wood cutter and Christina made sure he kept off the drink! See extra, and I don't think you'd mess with Christina!

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