Update Mickey (parrot with cushings disease)

November 6, 2012
I don't get it anymore..... Mickey suddenly is very hungry again. Today she also got the fluid fighters twice because she gained weight and tonight even was 151 grams. But.. I went to the sport school this evening and mostly before I goI take care of all the birds (food and water etc). Also Mickey. When I came home again she almost ate all the food which was meant for tomorrow! so... I did some fresh seeds in her bowl for tomorrow and she immediately wanted to go to her bowl to eat. No no!! I closed the cage door LOL and put her ON her cage. She than ate some lovebird seeds and I had a salad and I gave her a bit cucumber and egg white.. my goodness... she ate like hell!! Sometimes I don't understand it anymore.....

Coming Friday (November 9th) we are going to the University clinic Utrecht again for more tests. Most important thing.. she gets another CT scan.

Keep you all posted,

November 3, 2012
Just got an email from my vet. She wrote that she finds it difficult to predict what the most convenient dose is for Mickey. That is because we don't know (yet) at what dose she remains stable. Her suggestion: If Mickey tomorrow weights between the 140 - 150 grams I start giving her 1x 0.50 ml Furosemide, probably also in the evening, depending what her weight is that evening. Is that about the 140 grams than I don't give her the fluid fighters, but if it is higher than 140 grams, than I again give her again 0.50 ml. The next day I act the same. She gave me a kind of schedule to try to handle this. To be continued... lol.

November 3, 2012
Today Mickey is feeling a little bit better. I stopped with the fluid fighters as I told you all and gave her some extra formula again with emeraid. Hope the new emeraid will be sent to me soon, by the way. The other meds stayed in too. She doesn't eat a lot, but just small bits now and than. Some grape, cucumber, little piece of a cashew nut, some pasta. She didn't eat her powertreats (from Harisson's) yet, but oh well. Going to write dr. Yvonne van Zeeland tonight. This morning she weighted 141 grams (so 10 grams more!) and half an hour ago about 139 grams. Not bad.. but I don't start with the fluid fighters yet.. too scary. The problem is... and we just don't know yet... how much to give to her with what weight how many times per day... Pfffff.... I don't like to see my baby dehydrating every two weeks!!! Keep you all posted..

November 1, 2012
Yesterday I came home from work and Mickey almost didn't eat. Not a good sign. She also didn't want to eat some other things nuts, piece of fruit etc. Also her weight was suddenly going down further (and faster). 3 Days ago she was about 150 grams, this morning only 131 grams. Yesterday evening I gave her some formula (Juvenile) with emeraid in it and some grapesugar. Today she again almost didn't eat and now and than she sat a bit apathetic on her perch. I had contact with my avian vet and she advised me to stop (for now) with the Furosol (fluid fighters) and keep a good eye on her. If I don't trust it I can call my vet Peter.
This month me and Mickey are going to the University clinic again for more research inclusive a CT scan. Than I hope to hear that the Aspergillosis is totally gone so that I can stop with ONE medicine.....

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