Light and shade

A swift snap of the corner table before I went to bed.

A day consumed by hormones, exhaustion and waiting for blood test results (Oh and playing with my new Kindle Fire!) My palpitations decided to come back especially for the day and I was shaking so much by lunchtime that I nearly chopped off my finger while making soup and ended up taking a beta-blocker.

It's a funny, odd, uncomfortable time at the moment and I'm looking forward to this week being over. But the good news is the tests I had to see if there were any underlying serious illnesses causing the palpitations came back clear and it looks like my liver is okay too - so that's cheered me up!
Things are slow and difficult and I'm feeling pretty crap. But I guess this is the breaking eggs stage of recovery...

Tomorrow is Richard's turn. He's got his pre-op appointment to check he's functioning properly before he can have his operation on his polyps (whenever that is!).

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