...You took a white orchid....

Well it's not quite midnight....the pressure has eased a little.

Today went well at work....in fact I think it was a success.

There's still lots needs doing....but tomorrow I'm having a night off.....some me time....I'm going to catch up on comments...... look after the poorly Boss....watch united progress in Europe....phone my Dad....and my Sis....drink a few beers. I'm also going to try for a relaxed day at work.....I'm taking in biscuits and cakes for the troops after today's little victory......I'm taking hebs for a break, whether she wants it or not.......and I'm leaving as soon as I can.

Then I can get back to worrying about my Dad and hebs......catching up on jobs I've shelved to make room for jobs others think are more important........working out when I'm going to solve the problem of getting my number plate transferred....and the 101 other things that are screaming for my attention.

The orchid is in our living room....its one of only two that we have....the only two the Boss hasn't managed to kill! (She's brilliant in the garden but rubbish at house plants.....but don't tell her I said so!)

Das vidanya moy padruga.

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