
By Undercovercairo

Seville to Córdoba

This morning I got up early to visit the Museo de bellas artes de Seville. It’s in a pretty little building, Seville style with the internal courtyards. Lots of religious artwork, much of it raided from other convents and churches in the past. A Velasquez and work by Murillo. Well worth a visit.

Then time to pack up and head to Córdoba. A nice train journey, slightly different route than on the way down - a bit greener.

Cordoba is smaller than Seville. It’s a nice walk from the train station to the city centre. My Airbnb is nice, with a big balcony overlooking the rooftops.

I wandered around the city, walked through the courtyard of the famed Mezquita - so old and magnificent. Grabbed a quick dinner then took it easy. My legs are tired from so much walking!

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