I got up this morning determined to do some housework, but then I decided to have a wander in the garden to see if I could find anything suitable for Tiny Tuesday. I dead-headed a few roses and thought of taking some shots of tiny rosebuds, but thought I would leave those until Flower Friday.
I went in and got the camera and put the macro lens on but realised that it really did need to be on the tripod, so brought that out too. It was quite difficult because I wanted to take a photograph of the Welsh Onions or Allium Fistulosum that are just outside Mr. HCB’s greenhouse in a large pot. The pot is much too heavy for me to move, so I had to move a few other things before I could get the tripod to stand up properly - what a palaver. Mr. HCB is not the tidiest of gardeners, but show me one who is!
Anyway, job done - here is the head of a Welsh Onion, with the flowers about to burst out, which might look quite large on here, but is in fact, only 20 mm across. Mr. HCB has had these for many years and they just keep growing every year.
Despite its name, this perennial onion is widely grown in its native China and Japan. It is virtually evergreen, and is great for giving a continuous supply of leaves and 'spring' onions through the year, plus white flowers in summer shown here just before the flowers come out. It has a slightly stronger flavour than chives so goes well with the lettuce that Mr. HCB also grows.
Because I had set up the tripod, I also took quite a lot of other shots, and also liked the one I have put in as an extra - which appears to be some of the frothy seed heads that have been floating around in the garden recently on top of a closed Welsh Onion flower.
I could have saved myself some time if I had taken the tripod out first of all, and then I would have been able to do some housework before we go out - ah well, I will know next time, but I won't stress about it!
This quote could have been written about Mr. HCB:
"In order to live off a garden,
you practically have to live in it."
Frank McKinney Hubbard
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