
By Greenstead

The Voyage Home

Today marked the end of our brief Lakeland adventure and our return to Surrey. Mr D had his first time away from home for some time. On our trip home we got to Oxenholme, and we noticed the historic trains operating during the closedown of services run by Northern Rail. Interestingly we had seen Tim Farron, the local Libdem MP, on the telly last night talking about the achievements of getting this service running. I hope the service is used by locals and tourists.
Unfortunately our return home was spoiled by a crappy taxi ride home from Euston. He didn’t help us find where we needed to pick him up, and Euston is a bit of a warren...and he didn’t have aircon so we had a hot trip :-(
It’s nice to be home though, and we were greeted by the cats complaining about being left for 4 days...
Sorry for the Star Trek reference in the title :-))

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