Gala Float

This year our churches decided to hire a float for the Gala under the #DoYouKnowHim? banner (which is completely obscured in this photo!)
This was us just about ready to set off in the procession. We had a band playing and we all sang behind  it. And bizarrely we got 1st place in the musical float category! (I think we were the only one with live music).

I have to admit at this point that I did not actually take this photo but being that the person taking it repeatedly said 'one more! say cheese!' I felt that if I'd jumped out to ask for a photo they would linch me!! ;) So I settled for asking for a copy.

Walking with the procession was good fun....well, it was for me as I was targeting people with free pens, folding shopping bags and (best of all) - pop out frisbees! :0)  I spent my time running to 'refuel' and running to hand things out!

When we got to the park it was time to dismantle the float then walk through all that the 'fair' had to offer. We (the churches) had a couple of tents up doing face painting, balloon modelling and a treasure hunt maze. It seemed to be well attended.

The grounds were busier than they have been for a number of years.

After a good chat with a few folk, and a refreshing drink from the Scout stall, Cathie and I queued up to ride on the chair swing ride. Cathie really wanted to go on it and I didn't mind although I now can only survive it if I close my eyes!!! (Age has a lot to answer for!!!) - saying that it took Cathie the rest of the afternoon to feel right while I was ok!

Then a wander round town for Cathie to try and find some material for her sewing day tomorrow.

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