
By cowgirl

Sanding ...

... the hard way! Had enough of it by the time I’d done all the skirting, architrave and windowsill.

Took a break in the afternoon and went to the farm. I found one of my friends had also called in with some small pony rugs she’d come across whilst clearing out. Some will fit Mary’s pony and some are small enough for her cousin Alice’s pony, which is smaller again.

We both ended up staying for dinner ( first extra pic ) then helped Jean clear up whilst Emma and Graham went out to start milking.

Maria lives near me, and has some large cake tins which we might need for Emma’s wedding in September, so I followed her home and collected them. Her little 6 month old Patterdale pup was pleased to see us. She’s not a good traveller, so had to stay at home. Maria’s patiently trying to get her used to the car, as she currently throws up, wees and poos! ( Difficult to get a decent picture of her, she doesn’t stand still much! ).

Back home, I got on with painting the woodwork, going to bed at 2am!

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