
By AnnieBScotland

last train..

of four to get me home!

Surprised to wake up at 6am after only 7 hours sleep! Frost!! Gave us the chance to sort out a photo swap and catch up with some blips!

Early lunch in Hitchin, a chilly walk for soup and good coffee!!not to mention the cheesecake

Four trains later, reunited with John at West Calder station - much easier than asking him to negotiate the nightmare of Edinburgh city centre and Waverley station that looks like a building site - haven't seen him for 17 days, so another hour didn't matter.

Didn't dare have a snooze on the York to Edinburgh leg, in case I ended up in Aberdeen, so played around with some photos, and used my free 15 mins of internet to do another few replies to blip comments.

Arrived home to a noisy welcome from the cats and a beautiful bunch of red roses! 15 of them! No doubt they will feature in a blip before the week is out. Lovely dinner, a glass or two of cold wine and an early night

Huge thanks to everyone who has enjoyed the journey with me in the last couple of weeks, I really appreciated the lovely comments and all your support.

back to reality tomorrow!

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