Gurgling clouds.
Took the easy option today, taken from the door of our neighbours trees. (3 images blended, 1/3 under, 1/3 over and one even) Its not so much the trees that took my eye today, but the gurgling clouds behind them. I have photographed these trees before here & here....both very different. The clouds did look threatening for a while, but didn't come to anything.
I've been sitting at the computer for much of the day, trawling through 280 images and doing the final marking. One section done, three to go.
I'm overwhelmed at the response to my 3000th blip yesterday. Gosh, lost for words really other than to say I truly appreciate every word, comment, star and heart. You are all so very generous, thank you. The thanking individually won't happen this time, which I am sorry for but I'm being realistic. I am short on time with judging to get through over the coming days. Done 280, but I've still got 600 images to get through.
We managed a walk (just around the block), helped to clear my head.
Again, grateful thanks
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