And delphiniums blue

By flynnet

Peasholm glen

Hello guys, hope your all ok, im not too bad :0) got up around 630 as was in bed fairly early last night as the sickness was back. We dropped sample of at docs, still waiting on results. Then we took Ash round peasholm park
it was a nice walk and took a few photos, we then went to queens parade and went round the tracks there. Ash met lots of dogs to play with :) Dave's now coming down with the bug I had so my turn to look after him.

The 8 week course of antibiotics are for the cyst under my arm that wont go away, I want a second opinion about my other troubles as he fobbed me off really, plus I have been getting cyst, boils, abscess for the last 15 years I want them sorting once and for all I get one a month at least, its just not on.

Another positive blip off Claire NOT sorry guys will try harder.


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