Medical Purpose

back blipping 

I woke up at 4 am with pain.
I could hardly get up.
I was only 5 hours into the last painkiller and wondered what to do.
At some point I remembered the Alcohol theory and decided that I will experiment with that now.
We had a few bottles of booze on top of the cupboard:
A bottle each of Whisky, Vodka, Brandy, Cachaca and Kahlua.
I felt the only thing I could drink was Vodka or Brandy, however the only bottle I could reach was the Kahlua!!
No way I could climb on a chair to get one other the other bottles.
I was so civilised that I took a glass, and had 2 big shots of Kahlua at 4 am in the morning. I cannot say that I enjoyed that!!
I actually also did not believe that it would help, but I was so desperate that I would try anything.

I went back to bed and woke up at 8 am - pretty pain free!!
I honestly could not believe it, but the pain was only in the background, and I could get up, walk and sit quite comfortably.
Since had not taken another tablet, it could have only been the alcohol that made the difference …. Scary!!

I took a painkiller for the day and went back to bed for a bit - It ended up being 1.5 hours and I only got up at 9:30 am! Just in time for my first call.
Work was ok today, I was on top of things and have 2 major tasks to accomplish for the day.

Neil was back at 12 and disappeared behind his laptop. He is supposed to only work part-time during his German course, but I believe he needs to work on that! He is doing far too many hours, considering his pay is cut as he went part time!

I went out at 3 to get some tooth brushes and floss. I am determined to look well after my now so very clean and beautiful teeth.
Back in the house I continued with work until Neil dragged me out for a coffee and dinner shopping.
We went to Chapter One again. I love that place, also because they change their coffee every day and are very skilled in preparing it.
After the coffee we went into the market hall to get some food, then walked home to drop things off.
I then had the idea to go somewhere for a glass of wine in the sun before finishing work stuff and have dinner.
We walked to Mehringdamm and sat at Ruben’s Café, studying the menu. In the end we decided to go for cocktails. We both chose one of the special menu and got 2 quite strong but refreshing huge drinks.
We sat there, nipping what was for me mainly medicine, and practised German.
After 2 hours or so we walked home, both quite merry.

In our street someone had put a computer screen in the”swap shop” and Neil took it under his arm. A screen would be a nice thing to have for both of us these days.

I managed to finish what I had to do, although I doubted my capability at the beginning.
We had a very late dinner. Basically raided the fridge. No cooking was involved.

Blipping the medicine!

(I am so behind ..... !!!)

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