Crackly Fire
Legal - Illegal - Accepted
Three words that mean something so different to many people. Today I had to pick up a trailer that should have been retired years ago. Although it was legal in the technical sense, there were so many things that could be interpreted otherwise. Over the years I have been warned countless times about tires that need replacing but the mechanics say they'll be fine for one more trip.. a nick on an air hose that 99% of the time is fine but the cops say, it's been compromised. Yes it has but..
All four locks that hold the container on the chassis were working but the safety spring that prevents them from unlocking going down the highway were broken. The accepted practice is using a heavy grade zip tie to keep the locks locked. Normally we zip tie them anyways as a backup for extra safety.. Needless to say, I was the guy doing 45 in a 60 zone but at least I stayed in the right lane...
My boss made sure that trailer was put out of service and after it's unloaded, it will be sent to the shop, and likely retired.. As with any company.. if it's cheaper to fix then it will be, if not then off to the scrap heap.
Going to be a nice day tomorrow - with a bright and shiny new trailer
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