A Day Out @ The Art Gallery

I took my friend out for coffee and cake to the Art gallery today to celebrate another turning of the cycle..namely her Birthday.

This is the view from our table....a quick snap with the iPhone in between sips and mouthfuls of fruit tart (good food for an old tart) .
Of course I didn’t take my camera....I wasn’t planning on the landscape on the way home to be ridiculously amazing as they are burning off the sugar cane and the smoke and mountains and everything look really wild and lovely...not to mention the rain falling off in the distance.

The extra is a pic I sneaked of my friends painting in the gallery...it’s there one of the little girl and birdies...(.I really liked the one above it too).....I did it as a favour as she wont get to see where it was hung.

At the nagging of my friend I have picked up some forms to fill in to have an exhibition there.....it will be a long time to wait if I get lucky enough to get picked for it...there are a lot of submissions....anyhoo I have a body of work that I think I am ready to submit.

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