There are very few of those old bells still left at the main doors of tenements in Edinburgh. They have been replaced with characterless wall mounted metal pads with push buttons.
These old bells and the flattened T shaped keys which were used to open the doors are the stuff of my childhood. If the key was unavailable a childish digit pushed into the lock and a lift of the metal bit inside was enough to secure entry. Nowadays, unless the individual push button gets a response from the householder, there is no way to get into the stair although I imagine the ‘services’ bell which is set to operate at particular times, allows the official postie an entrance.
I had high hopes of sitting outside this afternoon in the midsummer sun which operated here from 5am until 1pm when it disappeared and the breeze is not exactly warm. Still my trusty I phone tells me this is a temporary glitch and if I hold my horses, it will be back at 4pm.
The extra is of the 2 old keys I have saved for posterity.
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